Vertigo and Hypothyroidism

The condition of hypothyroidism or what is commonly known as underactive thyroid has the chance of happening at any age but it seems to occur in adults more. As per the Endocrine Web over ten million Americans have the condition of hypothyroidism. It continues to state that over the age of sixty five, six percent of the men and ten of women succumb to the disease. This statistics also indicate that hypothyroidism is the potential cause if vertigo in the same age set.


A person is said to be suffering from hypothyroidism when his body cannot sufficiently produce enough thyroid hormone needed by the body. The cause of this deficiency is not quite known but some say it is due to an autoimmune disease like Hashimoto Thyroiditis. The signs of the condition include shivers, loss of memory, unwarranted exhaustion and weight gain.


Vertigo is a condition that makes one feel like they are moving but in reality there is no movement at all. This anomaly may occur anytime and not when one is in any particular position. When one has vertigo they will usually have conditions like sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases dehydration, migraines and stress. It is claimed by the Neurology Channel that vertigo could be as a result of thyroid imbalances.

Hypothyroidism and Loss of Hearing

Hypothyroidism is associated also with hearing loss. This is as stated by eHealthMD. The loss of hearing may bring about vertigo sensations. Around 3 percent of those who have Meniere’s syndrome, a number of symptoms that also include vertigo, are also suffering from hypothyroidism. This is as stated by The Merck Manual of Health and Aging. Improvement can be observed in both with proper treatment.

Hypothyroidism’s Effect on Vertigo

Hypothyroidism is known to have the ability to make one feel dizzy or what is also termed as vertigo. This, however, is not the only effect one will feel, they will also experience loss of their hearing abilities, and heightened triglycerides. This means that not only does hypothyroidism trigger vertigo but it has the potential to make the condition worse.

Hypothyroidism Diagnosis and Treatment

To diagnose hypothyroidism one needs to visit a doctor who will perform a blood test on them. If you happen to have the condition the test will show that they have a very low T4 count. T4 is the major thyroid hormone. On the contrary, it will also be shown that the TSH or what is known as Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is higher and this happens so as to fill up the low T4 count. T o rectify the anomaly the process of hormonal replacement must be conducted. If the condition is critical hospitalization may be required up to the time when they will be stable again.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in Women

What is hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a condition whereby the thyroid gland becomes underactive or sluggish. This is the opposite of hyperthyroidism, a condition where the thyroid becomes more active than normal. This condition can affect anyone at any point in their life but the women who are at the menopausal stage are more susceptible to getting the condition. Hypothyroidism has many symptoms that make the patient uncomfortable.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism

Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of hypothyroidism. When you get the condition, you will notice that you cannot withstand hard work for a long period of time. Extreme sensitivity to cold is also experienced. People who suffer from hypothyroidism may feel cold even in normal weather and when it’s cold, they feel extremely cold. Constipation and a swollen face is also a main symptom. The skin may become pale and dry too.

The metabolic rate of the body also decreases due to the underactive thyroid. This usually results in weight gain. A person suffering from hypothyroidism may develop a hoarse voice. The muscles may also become tender and the joints all over the body may ache too. Most women who develop hypothyroidism get heavier menstrual flow and the muscles also become weak. The fingernails become brittle and they break or crack easily. Some people develop depression as a symptom of hypothyroidism

These symptoms develop so slowly that you may not easily recognize them. Taking too long to treat the condition is dangerous. You may end up having to stimulate your thyroid every day so that the hormones may be released. Goiter may also form eventually. Hypothyroidism has a cognitive effect on the body. A person might start being forgetful and may also become slow in their daily activities.

Myxedema is an extreme form of hypothyroidism. This one is dangerous as it may result to death. Symptoms include low blood pressure, decreased breathing, low body temperature, unresponsiveness and even a coma.


The post Vertigo and Hypothyroidism appeared first on Mamma Health.



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