Getting and staying fit during pregnancy


Being fit during pregnancy is not an easy task. There is so much to think about and do with the upcoming arrival of a baby. Still, fitness and nutrition help with the upcoming labor and delivery and prepares you to chase after little feet. The best part of it all, though, is that your body is most likely to return to its pre-pregnancy weight quicker. So how exactly do you do this when all you want to do is take a nap? Here are some useful tips to get you started.

How to get fit during pregnancy

Regular exercise during your pregnancy will keep you feeling fit. It will help you with pregnancy pains and aches. It will help your body to return to its pre-pregnancy weight after giving birth. To be sure how to proceed safely, talk to your doctor before you start with your fitness plan.  Whatever you do, make sure it is safe for you and your baby.

Walk. Try walking 30-60 minutes a day. It does not have to be a hardcore workout either. Just the fact that you’re out there walking is a huge bonus. You will feel better once you start walking. Try taking your conversations on the phone outside or taking the dog out for an extra walk.
Friends. Staying fit during pregnancy does not have to be done alone. Invite a friend to join a prenatal yoga class. It will motivate you, and you will feel more compelled to do it. You don’t want to let your friends down and not show up.

Fitness videos. Invest in a few pregnancy videos for the days you can’t find the energy to get to the gym. There are plenty of videos to help you staying fit during pregnancy challenge. Instead of the gym, pop in a video and do the routine in the comfort of your own home.
We got your back, mama. It is easy to lose focus of your deep core muscles. Pilates is one of the best core workouts. Look into core videos or workouts that are good for pregnancy. Swimming is one of the best low impact exercises because it works all major muscle groups. Avoid crunches since it causes increased abdominal separation.

Easy peasy. Don’t be hard on yourself. You might remember running 5 miles when you weren’t pregnant. You can’t expect to do that when you’re 8 months pregnant. Staying fit during pregnancy is not easy. It is normal for your workouts to get harder as your pregnancy progresses. Hydrate with 8-10 cups of water per day. Water is especially important during pregnancy.

Daily logs. If you write everything down, you are more likely to keep to your fitness and nutrition goals. There are several books that help in journaling this experience while staying fit during pregnancy. Some give you charts and motivational sayings. They give you a little push when you are struggling to get moving.

Follow the staying fit during pregnancy tips: eat healthily, drink plenty of water, exercise at least 20 minutes a day. But most importantly, listen to your health practitioner. Everyone is different. Every pregnancy is different. Your doctor may help you set staying fit during pregnancy goals that are safe and right for you.

The post Getting and staying fit during pregnancy appeared first on Mamma Health.



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