Why I stopped watching TV


By popular demand, I have been asked to write about this topic: Why did I kill my TV?

I’ve gotten used to the No Way looks, the You’re Joking stares, and the I’ve-Heard-Of-People-Like-You probes. It’s really no big deal. I don’t even notice it anymore. And no, I don’t live in some remote settlement with a praised leader.

  • The TV in My Living Room
    My TV sits in my living room, but it’s not even plugged in. The last time I turned it on was for the November elections. I was able to connect to a few Mexican television channels and watched the returns in Spanish. If they had the Gooooooooool guy, it would’ve been so exciting!
  • News, Sports, and Current TV Shows
    Don’t underestimate the power of social media. I learn about stuff in seconds being on Twitter and Facebook. Truth be told, every now and then, I want to watch some good ol’ fashion cheating, screaming, hair pulling TV show. That’s why Netflix rocks! Love Mad Men… Marry me, Don Draper! During football season or the World Cup, I need a TV. I don’t like drinking beer all day at a sports bar. Although, it has happened more than I would like to admit.
  • Kids
    I grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons and El Chavo. (I always wanted a torta de jamon after). I get that it’s important for kids to watch kid stuff, and I don’t want my son to be the “weird” kid either. (You know what I mean). He gets to choose one hour of Super Mario Bros on his DS or a show on Netflix. This is just a matter of time…
  • My Life Goal
    I want to be happy. Period. Food makes me happy, that’s why I’m MammaHealth. My kids make me happy. Waves crashing, riding my bike, drinking wine with good people.

I’m tired of the media depicting life as a bad, bad place. Mind you, I first started writing this article on the anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing in April. How can so much exposure of men getting blown up in battle and social anarchy be good for you?
Oddly enough, but not surprisingly, the happier I am, the more empowered the people around me are. They are learning from my happy example, and I love knowing that!

Sometimes I get called naïve like it’s a bad thing. Actually, I’m just taking back my power. My power to control my world. It doesn’t have to be your world. Do and be as you please. I choose to expose myself to things I want to see. I choose to see happiness. I choose beauty and love. The more I look for these things, the more they come to me.

If you could just get your head out of the TV for one second and focus on the way the tree sways in the wind. Or sparkly pink shoes on little girls feet. Or the way coffee smells. It’s so simple, so easy to find things to love. Put down the controller, and appreciate all that’s around you.

To answer the question: Why did I kill my TV?

Because I want to be happy.

The post Why I stopped watching TV appeared first on Mamma Health.

source https://mammahealth.com/why-stopped-watching-tv/


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